Marca: Muc Off
Referencia: 20561
Paquete Bottle For Life (incluye 4 paquetes de polvo punk). Rinde 4 litros de limpiador de bicicletas. Seguro en todas las piezas y superficies, incluida la fibra de carbono. Some bike cleaners out there have a carbon footprint bigger than the Jurassic Park T-Rex, but not us. We’re always looking for new ways to reduce our plastic and water usage along with our CO2 output; so we got cracking on the epic task of developing the ultimate powder-based cleaner! Over three years, we tested and tinkered with hundreds of versions until we landed on the one. Formulated using the latest technological advancements and the finest biodegradable ingredients (75% of which are plant-based!) our newest creation is not only incredibly safe for you and the environment, but also for all bikes and finishes. At Muc-Off, we don’t do things by halves. Punk Powder delivers the signature cleaning power you’ve come to expect, but with readily biodegradable ingredients and 92% less packaging than two of our standard 1L bottles it truly is a guilt-free gleam! The fast-dissolving formula means it’s ready for use within seconds of water being added, and if you want to go full eco-warrior you can even use collected rainwater! Simply reuse your old Muc-Off bottle or grab one of our new aluminium Bottles for Life and get busy cleaning – it even works with our pressure washer to create an awesome foam for the fastest clean possible. It’s not just the powder that’s green and mean (on grime), but the packaging too. It’s 100% plastic-free, and each sachet is compostable (certified to EN 13432 standard) and made from renewable raw materials. We’ve even used vegetable-based inks! From production right through to the powder itself, sustainability is built in. So you can shred hard, with a clean bike and conscience. Punk Powder is the future of bike cleaning – the future is here!
- Hace 2x litros de limpiador de bicicletas
- Envase 100% libre de plástico
- Ingredientes fácilmente biodegradables
- 100% libre de agua
- Vuelva a llenar su botella vieja y ayude a reducir el desperdicio de plástico
- 92% de ahorro en embalaje en comparación con 2 limpiadores de bicicletas de 1L
- Ingredientes 100% ecológicos, incluidas materias primas de origen vegetal
- Se suministra en una bolsita compostable e impresa con tintas vegetales.
- Caja de cartón reciclado FSC que contiene 2 sobres - que hacen 2L de limpiador de bicicletas
- Seguro en todas las piezas y superficies, incluida la fibra de carbono
- No daña sellos, cables, pastillas de freno de disco o rotores.
- De base alcalina y libre de alcohol, CFC, EDTA, disolventes o ácidos
- Apto para vegetarianos y veganos
- Libre de crueldad, no probado en animales.